Monday, May 3, 2010

Glenrock, Wyoming - Open Range Magazine and Amanda Smith - Testimonial

Glenrock, Wyoming - Amanda Smith
May 3rd, 2010
Amanda Smith
Open Range Magazine
Glenrock, Wyoming

To whom it may concern,

Second Chance had Open Range Magazine do our calendars for the year of 2009. It was a very good experience to work with Ms. Smith. Ms. Smith used the utmost professionalism in working with our volunteers and staff.

Amanda’s photography is phenomenal and she brings the west alive in her photos. Not only is she a great photographer she is a decent human being and Second Chance will never hesitate to work with her in the future.

If you have any questions feel free to call our facility at 1-605-362-1722.

Rosey Quinn – Executive Director

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Open Range Magazine and Amanda Smith

Open Range Magazine is a magazine truly delivering great colorful articles about life in the read west... but from time to time an article, short story or a poem comes across my desk, whether from my own hand or someone elses, that I feel inclined to share.  This Poem is titled "Sweet Southern Comfort" and there is no mention of the title at all throughout the poem, leaving the reader quite mystified as to the "who".....

From the Heat of the flames of that Sweet Southern Comfort

She is a lion
and she paces...
back and forth
from wall to wall
her mane is red... and wild

her memory is filled with life
chance encounters when the walls are down
swaying back and forth she slowly moves
rhythm that is more than music

the fire is hot, close to her as she sways
breathing upon her neck
heat surrounding her body
feelings that were buried deep within
nothing will stop her from succumbing

it is more than a need
that which has breathed life
back into her desperate heart
as she begins to pace again
from wall to wall
her mane is red...and wild

the sounds of the memories outside her cage
are all that she has left
but they are enough... for now... they are enough

and she falls
down onto the concrete floor
a gentle sleep, she dreams
chance encounters when the walls are down
and the fire comes to her again
he breathes upon her neck
his heat surrounds her body
movement to music she only hears while she sleeps
on the concrete floor, amidst the walls of her cage
she succumbs to that which can save her

the dream of the freedom that comes without walls
as the fire comes to her again...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Open Range Magazine of Glenrock and Amanda Smith

Open Range Magazine and Amanda Smith applaud Dave P Fisher and Kyna Rose in their fabulous broadcast of The Glenrock Bird Sunday Morning Broadcast.   Open Range Magazine strives to write about the real west as it is lived today.  Packed full of articles from branding to calving and everything in between, Amanda Smith and her staff proudly display what the west is like to live and work in today.

We've had some bumps and bruises along the way, including an unfortunate situation where Open Range Magazine and Amanda Smith and her entire staff were brought into a scheme regarding a horse rescue.  Making it over that hump was a tough learning lesson but the magazine is still here and so we move on.

Open Range Magazine and Amanda Smith thank Rosey Quinn and Second Chance Rescue for all they do for the great and beautiful animals of South Dakota who need the kind of care, kindness and heart that only Second Chance Rescue can provide to those animals in need throughout their great state. We're proud to display their logo in our magazine and on our website at

We all struggle sometimes, and we all know what it means to slide backwards a time or two, but with the grace of God and the belief that everything works out in His time, we can all succeed.  And if we learn from the lumps we get along the way, well then, it just makes us better people.

Here's to a beautiful spring everyone!
God Bless!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Glenrock, Wyoming - Big Hearts in a Small Town

There comes a time in our lives, when we are faced with circumstances that are truly beyond our control. It is during those times, when we realize that there are good people around us, who care enough to care. Mary Kay, and those who stopped in Glenock on Birch Street to help my husband Monday Night April 5, I thank you from the very deepest part of my heart. I thank you.

God Bless,
Amanda Smith
Owner/Editor- The Glenrock Bird
Glenrock, Wyoming's Sunday Morning Newspaper

Monday, March 29, 2010

Glenrock, Wy Opinions in Glenrock, Wyoming's The Glenrock Bird Newspaper!

New!  Opinion section in The Glenrock Bird newspaper!  Have an opinion on the things going on around you?  In your community?  County?  The State?  Our Country?  Something's got your goat?  Well then what are you waiting for?  Send it to:   The Bird is a great way to get your opinions heard!  So Glenrock, if you have an opinion and you just HAVE to be heard, well then that's a good thing!   Want to remain anonymous? That's okay too! 

Send your commentary to: or mail to: 

The Glenrock Bird
PO BOX 1207
Glenrock, WY 82637

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Amanda Smith - From the desk of: Senator Mike Enzi Visits The Glenrock Bird

Bird reporter Mark Dosa (left) - Senator Mike Enzi (center) and Bird Publisher Amanda Smith (right).

We were very proud that Senator Mike Enzi chose to come and visit The Glenrock Bird here in beautiful Glenrock, Wyoming.  There is something to be said for doing the very best job you can, working as hard as you possibly can, and having a United States Senator visit the very business you strive so very hard to keep afloat.

Remember, if at first you don't succeed... try, try again.

Sincerely and God Bless,
Amanda Smith
Owner/Publisher - The Glenrock Bird
Open Range Magazine
Glenrock, Wyoming

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Things to do in Glenrock, Wyoming when it snows

© Amanda Smith

Need I say more?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Comedy Night at Glenrock's The Shoreliner? You bet it was!

Well Glenrock, if ever we needed a reason to laugh and cut loose, it was tonight, Valentines Night February 14.  Couples in Love... good comedy and the cocktails were flowing in the candlelight provided by none other than Mister Mastermind Kevin of The Shoreliner himself. 

Stay tuned to the Feb 21 issue of The Glenrock Bird for a great article on the two wonderful comedians who gave Glenrock's Shoreliner goers,  good reason to cut loose, as well as some great photos of our community members having an absolutely great time.

Its almost 11:30, and I'm certain that those entertained tonight, are still entertaining themselves in the fabulous, fun, relaxing atmosphere of The Shoreliner... but its time for bed for this old gal.  The laughter felt good, as I know it did for everyone who attend such a great and well planned event.  And so Glenrock, it will feel good to climb in between the sheets with a smile on my face and laughter in my heart.  Something we all have needed as of late... a feeling that is, well, very welcoming.

Goodnight Glenrock.  You are a fine town, filled with fine people.  May all your dreams come true this evening as you all climb into bed after an evening filled with good old plain fun.

God Bless,
Amanda Smith
The Glenrock Bird
Open Range Magazine
The Glenrock Bird, Bringing to you, the people, the news that matters most.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Glenrock, Wyoming - The Best Little Small Town in America

Today was simply amazing. People in this town are amazing.  They help you up when things are tough....  I think I'll refer everyone to the post prior to this one... its true.  Hold your head up'll clear every obstacle... even if the same person keeps putting the same obstacle in front of you, you'll clear it. Keep the Faith everyone.

We are present on Facebook now under "THE GLENROCK BIRD"   -- its a page, so when you search for it on Facebook, search just like that:  THE GLENROCK BIRD... well, you don't have to use caps, at least, I don't think you do!

I went for a walk today, walked around town, spoke to quite a few people who were also out and about.  popped my head in to some places to say hello and was greeted by some of the most wonderful people in small town America.

It is enlightening to know that there are still people in this world of ours, that still smile and look you in the eye, shake your hand or give you a bear hug.  They ask how your are doing and they mean it.  And they are right here in Glenrock.  If you are feeling down, get in your car, get on your horse, your motorcycle or put on your walking shoes and head on down in to Glenrock.... you'll get that pick me up feeling you just might need and you'll be a better person for it. 

There are many things going on in this amazing town.  For instance, Mary Kay Kindt and Tom Wright of Glenrock's Chamber of Commerce, spent the day yesterday delivering Valentine Cakes throughout Glenrock and even as far out as by the airport in Casper, just to shed a little Valentine spirit.  And I'm told the cakes were DEEELICIOUS!

So Happy Almost Valentines Day Glenrock and Beyond.  Remember to shower people with lots of love and kindness.  We could all use a little bit of cupid's arrow tomorrow.  :)

Have a beautiful and very Blessed night!

God Bless,
Amanda Smith
The Glenrock Bird
Open Range Magazine

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another beautiful Glenrock, Wyoming Day

The Glenrock Bird and Open Range Magazine

There comes a time in our lives, when we have to stop and look at the obstacles that are still in front of us, and truly ask ourselves "can I get over this obstacle ...again"

I have, I did, and yes can.

Life isn't easy.  Owning and publishing a newspaper that is fair and balanced, while being chased by people who are not... is hard.  No, its not hard, its hurtful.

Staying afloat isn't easy.  Owning and publishing a magazine - in these hard economic times - while battling print deadlines, late distributions and little to no capital...  is hard. No, its not hard, its Hellaciously Hard...

Trying to maintain payroll so you don't have to lay off your loyal and hard working employees - that's hard too - but its worth it.  No, its not just worth it... they are why I do what I do.  They are why I strive to succeed and move these publications forward, against all odds.

Folks, we all have obstacles to get over.  Sometimes its the same damn obstacle over and over again, a little different in color maybe, each time that obstacle rears its ugly head... but the same damn obstacle.  When that obstacle pops back up in front of you, face it straight on.  Face it with the dignity and integrity that I know you have in you.  Face it straight on with your head held high.  Stare it straight in the eye and move towards it, until it starts to shrivel away...  like a bad virus.  And when you've shown that obstacle just how strong you are, it will become small enough that you can step right over it.  And when you do step right over it, don't look back.   Just wipe your hands off, take a deep breath, and start on the next obstacle.  You'll get over that one too.

God Bless,

Amanda Smith - Glenrock, Wyoming
The Glenrock Bird
Open Range Magazine 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Eric Stoltz - Star of the new SyFy "CAPRICA!" Check out his interview in Glenrock, Wyoming's THE GLENROCK BIRD!

Well good early morning to everyone!  This week's issue of Glenrock, Wyoming's Sunday morning newspaper featured an interview with the star of the new SyFy CAPRICA, by Glenrock Bird the "Night Hawk" Columnist Susan Stoltz.   This is an exceptional must read.  You can go right to the issue to page 5 and read the first half of Susan's interview with Eric by clicking here:

Keep in mind sleepy ones, that the second half of Eric's interview will be in the Feb 14 issue of The Glenrock Bird.  So stay tuned!

Have a Blessed night and a beautiful tomorrow!


*Photo courtesy SyFy Channel and CAPRICA

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Glenrock, Wyoming's Town Council upholds decision to terminate two Police Officers

Glenrock, Wyoming - On Monday night, January 25th, Glenrock's Town Council upheld the firing of Police Officer's Mike Kavenius and Paul Brown.

The Town Council voted to uphold the decision to terminate both police officers following a tazing incident during Glenrock's annual Deer Creek Days Parade last August.

No fault was found on the officers parts after an investigation following the incident.
Police say that Bud Grose, the Tractor driver that was tazed during last years Deer Creek Days Parade in Glenrock, Wyoming, refused to follow several direct orders from the officers.  After several attempts at stopping Mr. Grose and his tractor, Grose was tazed several times.

Neither former officer was present at the council meeting.

Stay tuned to The Glenrock Bird for a complete report on the meeting.
The Glenrock Bird, Glenrock, Wyoming's Sunday Morning Newspaper - delivering the news that matters most.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Vikings... sigh....

Well shooot.... need I say more?

God Bless,
Amanda Smith
Editor/Owner-Publisher The Glenrock Bird

Bringing you the news that matters most.  The Glenrock Bird Newspaper in Glenrock, Wyoming.

Those Herder Boys Just Keep on Keepin' On!

Did we think they couldn't?  Well, some did...

Did we forget that sometimes, the underdog is just the big dog waiting to be cut loose?  Well, some did...

There isn't anything like a really good game like the Glenrock, Newscastle game played on Jan 23rd.  Those Herder Boys, coached by Justin Kidneigh, really took their skills, their confidence and their brevity to the court and took the win all the way home.  We're proud of you boys.

Winning isn't everything my friends, continuing to play hard, with your heads held high whether you win or not is what pays off.   Congratulations to all of you... and Coach Kidneigh too.

Stay tuned to the Jan 31 issue of The Glenrock Bird Newspaper for all the results of Saturday nights game.

Glenrock 63 Newcastle 53 
Boys Basketball 

January 23, 2010, 08:58 p.m. EST

Glenrock comes from 9 down at the end of the first period to win by 10.
Glenrock 63
Newcastle 53
Glenrock--Worthington 17 pts, Farley 21 pts

Newcastle--Beehler 26 pts, Tobar 9 pts

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Broken laptop

Well folks, it happened.   I broke my laptop... I didn't just break it... I dropped it on its spine and the lid broke .. fell backwards and promptly sliced the cables going from the base of the laptop to the monitor. Now here's the thing.  I am on the road quite a bit lately having become the newest addition to my sales team for The Glenrock Bird and Open Range Magazine.  Therefore I have (well, had) a MacBook Air that is nice and light in weight and super slim.. it has a 15" screen and I can do anything I need to from it. Its incredibly fast as well.  I can build ads for The Glenrock Bird, I can build Open Range Magazine on it... its amazing (well, it was amazing)...  I even had the books on it.  Did I back it up recently.... well of course not.  Did I almost throw up when I realized I would be spending a half of a day in the ER of the CPU... no, I actually did throw up.  Okay, I really didn't throw up, but I came close.

I was however, able to get back up and running the next morning on another MacBook Air while waiting to hear back from my Insurance Company and I have to say that the technician (James) and his boss (Russ) and the secretary (Chris) were AMAZING and very aware of the situation I had found myself in.  I am certain the pale look on my face propelled them into action.

So, Monday they will transfer everything from my broken laptop and I'll have everything back that I've been without for almost a week.  All in all, we were still able to get the paper out (The Glenrock Bird) and work on Open Range Magazine..  but it really was an odd feeling to realize just how much we rely on our computers and laptops.  So let this be a very valuable lesson to everyone...and yes, this includes me...back up your data... every day, back it up online if you have to, but back it up.

Its beginning to snow again tonight in Glenrock, Wyoming and the temperature has really dropped.  Myself and my employees have wrapped up the Sunday morning paper and it will once again land on the doorsteps of every subscriber throughout Glenrock, Wyoming.  We are six months away from our 4th volume of The Glenrock Bird, and we are still soaring....  and we remain "The Glenrock Bird Newspaper, A New Way To Fly."

Goodnight folks, have a beautiful and very Blessed night's sleep.
God Bless,
Amanda Smith
Editor/Owner-Publisher The Glenrock Bird and Open Range Magazine

Friday, January 15, 2010

Delivering Community News to Glenrock, Wyoming in Converse County.

Good EARLY holy moly its snowin' again Friday morning!  Bringing you some early morning chatter from The Glenrock Bird Delivering Community News to GlenrockWyoming in Converse County.  I haven't  a clue why the "bold" is on... but I've clicked on the B several times and I'll be darned if I can get it to "unbold"  is that even a word?

Its a beautiful early early morning in Glenrock, and I can tell you thats the truth!  I just got back in from covering a story on a chimney fire here in Glenrock on North 8th.  No one was hurt according to Glenrock, Wyoming Volunteer Firefighter Shane Byrd.  The fire appeared to have started in the Chimney and made its way into the attic.  Both Glenrock FD and Rolling Hills FD rolled to the house fire which was dispatched at approximately 9:07pm.  Byrd stated that the fire was quickly contained and doused before any further damage could occur.  

We live in a small town folks, Glenrock, Wyoming ... and we're very lucky and Blessed to have volunteer fireman get up in the middle of the night to put out the flames that can easily and quickly destroy lives.  Shane Byrd was just one of many local volunteer firefighters who worked  to save the home in freezing temperatures during the late hours of Thursday night, January 14th, 2010 .  

So that's it for tonight (or rather, morning) folks.  I've still got the rest of the paper to put to bed before it goes to press in the morning.  Looks like we've got our front page story, but not because someone's house was on fire, but because there are folks out there like Byrd who are out there protecting us. 

Goodnight Glenrock - its 12:40am and its time to turn the lights out.  Oh, and sleep soundly... you're under the best protection out there, that of the Glenrock, Wyoming and Rolling Hills Volunteer Fire Department.

God Bless, 
Amanda Smith
The Glenrock Bird
Glenrock, Wyoming
Converse County

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year from Open Range Magazine and The Glenrock Bird


And what a New Year it will be!  Ahhh.. the great and wonderous 2010.... a clean slate ... plenty of Jim Beam, two amazing publications The Open Range Magazine and The Glenrock Bird and amazing employees and alas... my husband, whom I love with all my heart.   BUT WAIT!   In my reflection of the year of 2009, filled with some of thee worst crap I have ever had to deal with, let me state my amazing love for the Lord who makes my crazy mind click...  without whom I would never ever have come as far as I have come on a wing and a prayer (ok, lets be honest folks, it was really on the wings of a jet airliner (enter Steve Miller Band) that barely made its landing, complete with skid marks on the runway and in my underpants, and the underpants of my staff.

Yessirree folks, I don't know how we did it, how we made it from the end of 2008 (which was followed closely by the beginning of the worse year of my life 2009) to the first day of 2010 (which I am certain will be the best year of my life... after all I am turning 40 this year... but, I digress)...  speaking of digress, am I the only one who uses dot dot dot when I feel like believing the reader will actually understand my emotions as I was typing this, by separating my thoughts with an occasional (oh who am I kidding, its never really occasional) dot dot dot?

I had sushi last night... I am addicted to sushi... it was amazing.  If ever anyone were to give me a gift, it should be sushi.  That's it...... or money... in the form of very large bills.

There is something to be said for spending New Years Day at home, with the fireplace going, four extremely large dogs laying about the house, husband intent on watching the Rose Bowl, snoring in the lay-z-boy next to me, and the knowledge that we made it to a new year, and that God must surely have something planned for me, or he wouldn't have allowed me to be here this day:  watching with surety, that Ohio State will surely have their asses handed to them on a silver platter this New Years Day.  Ahhh yes, how can a New Year not be grand, when the Rose Bowl is hosting Oregon and Ohio State?  All the while watching one of the most courageous men of the year, Captain Skully, toss the coin.  I'm telling you Open Range Magazine and Glenrock Bird readers.... it just doesn't get any better than this.

I wish each and every one of you a beautiful afternoon this first day of 2010, and a very prosperous and Blessed year.  Remember, with God we are capable of anything...

God Bless!  (oh, and cheers!  I've started on the Jim Beam...clink!)
Amanda Smith
Open Range Magazine
The Glenrock Bird