Good EARLY holy moly its snowin' again Friday morning! Bringing you some early morning chatter from The Glenrock Bird Delivering Community News to Glenrock, Wyoming in Converse County. I haven't a clue why the "bold" is on... but I've clicked on the B several times and I'll be darned if I can get it to "unbold" is that even a word?
Its a beautiful early early morning in Glenrock, and I can tell you thats the truth! I just got back in from covering a story on a chimney fire here in Glenrock on North 8th. No one was hurt according to Glenrock, Wyoming Volunteer Firefighter Shane Byrd. The fire appeared to have started in the Chimney and made its way into the attic. Both Glenrock FD and Rolling Hills FD rolled to the house fire which was dispatched at approximately 9:07pm. Byrd stated that the fire was quickly contained and doused before any further damage could occur.
We live in a small town folks, Glenrock, Wyoming ... and we're very lucky and Blessed to have volunteer fireman get up in the middle of the night to put out the flames that can easily and quickly destroy lives. Shane Byrd was just one of many local volunteer firefighters who worked to save the home in freezing temperatures during the late hours of Thursday night, January 14th, 2010 .
So that's it for tonight (or rather, morning) folks. I've still got the rest of the paper to put to bed before it goes to press in the morning. Looks like we've got our front page story, but not because someone's house was on fire, but because there are folks out there like Byrd who are out there protecting us.
Goodnight Glenrock - its 12:40am and its time to turn the lights out. Oh, and sleep soundly... you're under the best protection out there, that of the Glenrock, Wyoming and Rolling Hills Volunteer Fire Department.
God Bless,
Amanda Smith
The Glenrock Bird
Glenrock, Wyoming
Converse County