Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Amanda Smith Wyoming Open Range Magazine

Digital Versions of the first 16 issues of Open Range magazine are still dazzling readers and we are so happy that subscribers are still interested in signing up for past issues of Open Range Magazine.

Amanda Smith Wyoming based publisher specializes in photographing the western way of life and creating not just great pieces for the magazine but also incredible western art for the western art lover in all of us.

Last week's blizzard really took its toll on Ranchers in Wyoming and South Dakota, with South Dakota ranchers cattle death toll reaching into the thousands, if not tens of thousands.  It is unclear how many cattle were lost at this point, according to South Dakota Agriculture spokespersons, as the snow continues to melt they will have a better idea of the numbers of cattle and sheep, and in some cases horses, lost in the storm.

Wyoming faired a little better with minimal losses in areas of the Cowboy state affected by the storm. Although there is a loss count for both cattle and sheep, that number in Wyoming has not been determined yet.

Photographs of the devastation in South Dakota and Wyoming went viral around the internet as those affected shared their trials through photography.

Currently with the Government shutdown, Ranchers who would otherwise be able to receive funding for these sorts of losses, will find those available funs currently on hold until the Republican and Democratic parties can reach an agreement and re-open our United States Government.

Ranchers from both states stated emphatically that nothing would slow them down from recovering.  Their grand-parents never had funds available to bail them out, and they were able to pull through the hard times.  This according to several area ranchers.  Its true, we'd love for the Government to get it together so we can get some help. But we aren't going to stand around and do nothing while we wait.  We'll pull through. We always do.

Amanda Smith Wyoming based publisher and photographer